
EUROFER at the World Press Clubs Alliance for Climate - press conference marathon

On 23 October, EUROFER is broadcasting a panel on 'Making a success of the EU Green Deal with a Green Deal on Steel'.

The World Press Clubs Alliance for Climate organised a 24 hour ‘marathon’ of panels and press conferences around the world that will be broadcast on 23 October, with a potential audience of up to 23,000 journalists. More information on the event can be found here:

EUROFER took part in this 24 hour marathon of panels and press conferences, on the topic of Making a success of the EU Green Deal with a Green Deal on Steel.

Europe has the unique opportunity to lead the transformation of its economy to a future in which it is CO2 neutral, environmentally responsible, circular and able to compete internationally, addressing third country trade distortions without inhibition. Steel is central to the EU economy, and it underpins the development of major manufacturing sectors right along the value chain. Our industry sustains 2.6 million direct and indirect jobs in the EU.

To make the EU’s recovery plan and green transition a success, a Green Deal on Steel should be agreed between EU steel industry and the EU institutions and governments, with a clear action plan establishing a market for green steel in the period 2021 to 2030. This plan can serve as a blueprint for other sectors, and help the industry out of the worst economic crisis in decades.

Why steel?

Because the EU steel industry:

  • is able to significantly advance the EU’s climate objectives as CO2 emissions are concentrated in a limited number of installations that cover about 25% of EU industrial and 5% of EU total CO2 emissions;
  • is most advanced among the energy intensive industries in terms of CO2-low projects[1];
  • is already committed to reducing CO2 emissions by 2030 by 30% compared to 2018 (which equates to 55% compared to 1990) and towards carbon neutrality by 2050, under the right conditions;
  • will allow the EU to set a global example for hard-to-abate industries can significantly lower their CO2 emissions in a relatively short period of time.
  • is a strategic sector producing 100% recyclable, circular materials for the EU’s key industries such as automotive, mechanical engineering, CO2 low energy industries, construction, household goods, packaging, medical devices, sanitary systems, defence, among others.



Timing of broadcast to be confirmed

00:00 |  Introductory remarks

  • Axel Eggert, Director General, EUROFER

00:12 | A Green Deal on Steel video

00:14 | Panel discussion

How can the steel industry help make a success of the EU Green Deal?

  • Axel Eggert, Director General, EUROFER (confirmed)
  • Jude Kirton-Darling, Deputy Secretary General, IndustriAll European Trade Union (confirmed)
  • Massimiliano Salini MEP (confirmed)
  • Thomas Wyns, Researcher, IES - VUB (confirmed)

01:00 | End of panel

The video can be viewed above. It is reproduced here with the kind agreement of the Press Club Brussels.


Published: 14 October 2020
20201015 143953

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The European Steel Association (EUROFER)
172 Avenue de Cortenbergh
1000 Brussels


Phone: +32 (0) 2 738 79 20