Press releases » Further exemptions to EU sanctions against Russia are historic mistake
Further exemptions to EU sanctions against Russia are historic mistake
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“EU Member States have made a historic mistake by granting further exemptions to imports of highly carbon-intensive Russian semi-finished steel products. This decision fuels a perverse system that not only weakens EU sanctions against Russia but also runs counter EU climate targets. The opportunistic interests of a handful of steel processing enterprises, taken up by a few Member States with a veto right, are undermining the objectives of the sanctions, where steel plays a strategic role not only in the overall Russian economy but also directly in the Russian military machine engaged in the war of aggression against Ukraine,” said Axel Eggert, Director General of the European Steel Association (EUROFER).
“Currently, Russian slabs are 26% cheaper than slabs from other third countries. It is clear why certain steel processing companies are determined to maintain the current bonanza they unfairly take advantage of,” he added, concluding: "If Ukrainian re-rollers operating in the EU can diversify their sources of imports of semis away from Russia, why not the few other importers?".
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Brussels, 27 February 2025 – The European Steel Association (EUROFER) welcomes the joint initiative of French Minister for Industry and Energy Marc Ferracci and Italian Minister for Enterprises and Made in Italy Adolfo Urso to convene a Ministerial Conference on the Future of the European Steel Industry in Paris today. This meeting complements initiatives at EU level by facilitating a pan-European assessment of the plight of the European steel sector and providing an additional opportunity to outline necessary solutions that will feed into the Steel Action Plan.
Brussels, 26 February 2025 – The Clean Industrial Deal, unveiled today by the European Commission, acknowledges the strategic role of the European steel industry and the existential challenges it faces. Yet, concrete solutions are either left open for later decisions, such as those on global steel overcapacity and loopholes in the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM), or addressed with incomplete measures, as in the case of energy prices. Without structural solutions to these issues, laudable initiatives on lead markets, local content and circular economy risk being insufficient to turn the tide, notes the European Steel Association (EUROFER).
Brussels, 13 February 2025 – Following the high-level conference “A Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism for Climate - Addressing carbon leakage to strengthen global climate action”, organised in Paris by the European Commission and the French Ministries of Finance, Economics and Climate Transition, EUROFER emphasises that simplification must go hand in hand with ensuring the instrument’s effectiveness. This means addressing key issues such as resource shuffling, exports, and the inclusions of products further down the value chain.