Publications » Position papers » A call for a more effective application of existing EU policy instruments and improvements where needed
A call for a more effective application of existing EU policy instruments and improvements where needed
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Globalisation of markets and industries intensifies the distorting effects of government policies that unfairly protect and support domestic markets and industries. Thus, the EU needs to address more effectively State-led distortions that are undermining the viability of traditional and innovative European industries, both at home and abroad. The EU needs to be more assertive in using – and where needed modifying – existing tools as well as developing new policy instruments to ensure a level playing field for EU industries while at the same time creating much needed leverage at the multilateral (WTO) level. The new Commission’s encouraging political objectives and orientations need to be endorsed and supported by the Council and the European Parliament and effectively implemented by the Commission.
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Letter to Commission President von der Leyen and Executive Vice-President Sejourne'
Brussels, 27 November 2024 – The European steel industry is at a critical juncture, facing irreversible decline unless the EU and Member States take immediate action to secure its future and green transition. Despite repeated warnings from the sector, the EU leadership and governments have yet to implement decisive measures to preserve manufacturing and allow green investments across Europe. Recent massive production cuts and closure announcements by European steelmakers show that time has run out. A robust European Steel Action Plan under an EU Clean Industrial Deal cannot wait or manufacturing value chains across Europe will simply vanish, warns the European Steel Association.