Position papers

CCS and CCU: Breakthrough technologies for EU’s industrial transition to a climate neutral future

The European Green Deal sets an ambitious plan and vision to make Europe the first climate-neutral continent by 2050. This goal will require all sectors of the economy to contribute.

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The upcoming EU Industrial Strategy will be critical to enable European industry’s contribution to the 2050 goal and to build a prosperous and sustainable economic future for Europe.

We call on the European Commission to consider all options for reducing emissions, including Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) and Carbon Capture and Use (CCU), as effective climate mitigation measures. In combination and synergy with renewable energy carriers, such as carbon-neutral electricity and hydrogen, CCS and CCU are essential to achieve net zero GHG emissions in Europe while maintaining a competitive, growing and innovative European industrial base. These technologies can contribute to preserving industrial activity in the continent and are a key enabler of new products and technologies. Consequently, it will help preserve jobs in existing industries and create new employment opportunities in those new industries, employing Europe’s future workforce.

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Published: 09 March 2020


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