Position papers

Joint industry messages on E-PRTR Regulation revision

Key messages from the Industrial Emissions Alliance on the Targeted Stakeholder Survey (TSS) on the E-PRTR Regulation revision.

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The E-PRTR Regulation aims to provide the public with accessible information on pollutant releases and transfers and increase public participation in environmental decision-making. The E-PRTR gathers and compiles information about the state of pollutant releases and transfers of large industrial sites across Europe and, as such, it is a very useful tool for the public to follow the environmental impact of these sites over time.

The natural scope of the E-PRTR Regulation should therefore remain the ‘facility’ level and the quality, clarity and comparability of the data should prevail over the quantity of the data.

With this in mind, our associations share the following key messages on the Targeted Stakeholder Survey (TSS) on the E-PRTR Regulation revision:

  1. The E-PRTR Regulation shall not be the reference to identify well-performing installations for the BREF review process
  2. The E-PRTR Regulation shall not be the reference to identify key environmental issues in the context of the BREF making process
  3. The addition of contextual information to the E-PRTR would create unwelcome complexity to the E-PRTR
  4. Whether the scope of the E-PRTR Regulation should be aligned with the scope of the IED and other EU legislation should be carefully assessed
  5. The E-PRTR Regulation is not the appropriate instrument to tackle releases from products

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Published: 03 May 2021

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