
Repository of older EUROFER documents

This is the repository archive of unsorted documents from the old EUROFER website, retained here so they are available if needed for historical or research reasons.

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You can access the publications from the old website here. They are unsorted, though they have the year of their publication appended to their names for easy reference. They include annual reports for past years, past European Steel in Figures guides and past manifestos, among other superannuated publications.

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2000 AnnualReportFinalA Green Deal on Steel1993 SteelAndFireSafety1999 ZincRecycling1999 HealthEffectsofStainlessSteels1999 SteelShapingTheFuture2002 AnnualReport1999 RoadmapForResearchPriorities2003 AnnualReport1999 AnnualReportFinal2000 10EuropSteelIndClimateChanges2001 AnnualReport2003 Transport2004 AnnualReport2002 NetEURes2004 EUsteelTchPlat2004 NiCrFeEnviInteraction2006 AnnualReport2005 AnnualReportLQ2006 SRAShort2005 AnnualReportHQ2007 ClimateChange2005 SRAShort2007 AnnualReport2005 SRAfull2005 SteelOnTheMove2006 SRAFull2007 EDPDishwasher2007 EDPFloor2007 EDPRoof2009 April 28 REACH Position Paper on Carbon and Steel Cast Iron2007 EDPTWB2007 SteelFlowsLQ2008 October 10 REACH Position Paper on Iron Oxides and Mill Scales2008 October 28 REACH Position Paper on Iron Ore Pellets and Sinter2008 November 04 REACH Position paper on impurities2008 November 24 REACH Position Paper on the status of the temposary mechanical processing layers e.g. oils on coils2007 IPP Final Report2008 AnnualReport2008 ESF2009 September 04 REACH Position paper on zinc dross2009 AnnualReport2009 manifesto2009 ESF2010 AnnualReport2010 January 22 REACH Position Paper on Substances in a Steel Bath2010 November 26 REACH Position Paper on the registration duties for downstream users of multi-constituent substances (MCS) in the steel industry2010 manifesto2010 ESF2011 AnnualReport2011 EUROFERAutomotiveSeminar2011 ESF2012 AnnualReport2012 Eurometaux EUROFERRecyclingRatesforMetals2013 BCG Steel Contribution May2013 CoakingCoalFC201310 EuroferParliamentMagSupplement2012 ESF201403 Manifesto2013 Roadmap201405 AnnualReport2013 LEEDfc2013 IronOreFC2013 SteelRecycling201406 Manifesto2014 EP201405 ESF201505 AnnualReport201505 ESF201510 Eurofer supplement 2015 W O PMagz201605 AnnualReport201606 Ecofys 2016 Carbon costs for the steel sector in Europe post2020 updateJune2016201701 Joint Industry renewed call for measuring real recycling rates 9 1 17201605 ESF201705 AnnualReport201705 SteelFigures
Published: 01 January 2000


The European Steel Association (EUROFER)
172 Avenue de Cortenbergh
1000 Brussels


Phone: +32 (0) 2 738 79 20